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TinyResMeter est un outil qui permet d'afficher des informations système en temps réel et permet d'obtenir plus de détails via un simple click-droit sur les divers champs affichés !

BONUS une fonction de capture d'écran intégrée permettant de sauvegarder et renommer la capture en fichier .BMP avec un nommage séquentiel automatique. Très utile pour faire de multiples captures d'affilé sans perdre de temps à faire une sauvegarde manuelle.

L'utilisation de la librairie KOL pour Delphi et la programmation directe au niveau des API a permit d'obtenir un fichier exécutable de cette taille.

Pourquoi TinyResMeter ?

- Ce n'est pas le plus beau des moniteurs de ressources.
- Ce n'est pas le plus complet.
- Il ne possède pas de superbe interface graphique.
- Il ne possède pas non plus d'installeur.
- Il est écrit à 90% au niveau API pour obtenir une petite taille.
- Il ne demande aucune DLL particulière.
- Il ne touche pas à la base de registres.
- Il utilise moins de mémoire et ressources que la plupart des outils de ce type.
- Il utilise une interface d'affichage simple et efficace.
- Il n'utilise aucune installeur qui pourrait augmenter sa taille.
- Il peut être simplement copié sur une machine et exécuté immédiatement sans phase d'installation.
- Il prends très peu de place à l'écran.
- Il est parfait pour les petites machines ou les NetBook !

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Il y a 6899 inscrits


(jusqu'à Win7, pas pour Win10+)


(jusqu'à Win7, pas pour Win10+)

(utilisateurs inscrits)

Win7/10/11 (faux positif anti-virus possible)

(utilisateurs inscrits)

Executable file (54Ko)
[ Downloads : 39511 / Today : 0 ]

Zipped version (51Ko)
[ Downloads : 14978 / Today : 0 ]

Executable file (91Ko)
[ Downloads : 16052 / Today : 0 ]

Zipped version (80Ko)
[ Downloads : 7412 / Today : 0 ]

Executable file (109Ko)
[ Downloads : 1273 / Today : 0 ]

Zipped version (105Ko)
[ Downloads : 922 / Today : 0 ]

Executable file (148Ko)
[ Downloads : 512 / Today : 0 ]

Zipped version (142Ko)
[ Downloads : 462 / Today : 0 ]

Total : 77953  Moyenne par jour : 12
Compteurs remis à zéro le 3 Oct 2007, ancien total ~ 80.000

Quelques Anti-Virus peuvent émettre une fausse alerte détectant à tort TinyResMeter comme "possible" malware ou un contenu "suspect", voir même certains anti-virus noteront TinyResMeter comme suspect simplement en se basant sur la réputation par rapport à d'autres anti-virus, une copie est alors envoyée à ces éditeurs d'Anti-Virus via leur page "signaler un faux positif" et le problème est corrigé mais cela peut parfois prendre un certain temps.

Utilisateurs Vista ou supérieur : TRM doit être "démarré en tant qu'Administrateur" sinon certains champs ne fonctionneront pas. Si le contrôle utilisateur est actif vous pouvez démarrer TRM automatiquement en créant une tâche programmée pour s'exécuter au moment de l'ouverture de la session de l'utilisateur.

Notes pour la version 0.96a : Pour enregistrer les préférences, vous devez manuellement quitter TRM et le relancer.

Notes pour la version 0.97 :
Si certains réglages ne semblent pas s'activer, vous devrez peut-être relancer TRM. C'est à ça que sert l'option de menu "Restart TinyResMeter". La nouvelle gestion multi-fenêtres ne fonctionne pas encore très bien.

Historique (en anglais) : (30 December 2023)

- TopMEM showed a "oups..." if biggest memory process uses more than 2GB

- TopMEM Now show same memory usage as Windows 10+ TaskManager (17 October 2023)

- Crash since some Windows 10 update in October 2023

0.98 Roadmap (updated 20 january 2010)

- Support for multi-monitor.
- Sound Volume field that show percent value for both main speakers output and sound wave. Done
- TrayIcon menu to activate/deactivate PrintScreen-to-file redirection and to set its destination folder. Done
- Tray Icon menu option to list opened files (and which process is actually using it). Done
- New Recent Kills tray icon menu option that remind the last 10 killed processes so you can re-kill them easy. Done
- New AutoWidth option for horizontal display that make field as thin as possible without useless space. Done
- New Hide Label option that works good with AutoWidth to make fields thinner, for example do RAM and CPU fields really need "RAM:" and "CPU:" labels ? I don't think so... Done
- New TopHandles field with option "show only if handles count>xxx". Done
- New DateTimeMask field that show Date and Time in customized format using special control character (including the week number !), example : "(ww) ddd dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm" will show "(04) fri. 23/01/2009 11:00". Done
- StopWatch timer field. Done
- Hint over TRM TrayIcon to avoid it not be moved into "non used icons" under XP/Vista. Done
- TopMEM field show total RAM+Virtual of separated values. Done
- Many options to Battery field (play or run file when power online/offline, show time since power is offline...). Done
- Tray Icon menu to fast open PrintScreen redirection folder. Done
- Tray Icon menu to fast manage running processes (kill, restart, change priority, open source folder...). Done
- Tray Icon menu to fast manage opened windows (list all windows opened by each running process, and get their class name, title, position, and change show/hide state). Done
- Tray Icon menu to fast manage Services (start and stop, change startup type...). Done
- Tray Icon menu that list opened TCP or UDP ports with application owner's name and a "Force close TCP connection" option. Done
- Countdown timer field. Pending
- File and Directory size monitor field. Pending
- External Data grabber to retrieve/extract/filter data from text files or web page, very usefull to follow foreign datas, statitics, machine status, stock quotes, temperatures... Pending
- "Open INI File" in TrayIcon menu to open settings file as it may be stored in a more complicated %appdata% path.
- Tray Icon menu to fast manage auto started applications (disable/remove). Pending
- Disk drive temperature field (S.M.A.R.T compatible disk drives only). Pending
- "Eject drive" menu option when you right click on removable disc space field. Pending

- CPUUsage field now support mutiple CORE/CPU with iption to hide the total CPU% and show only each core/cpu. Done
- To gain screen space for disk usage fields, Rem(ovable), CD, Net(work) drive type labels added after the drive's letter are now replaced with R C N letters so Disk Space field can be only 60 pixels wide. Done
- First TinyResMeter startup (or when you use "Restart with default") ask for the place you want .ini settings file to be stored (same place as TinyResMeter.exe, My Documents, UserAppData or CommonAppData folder). Done

- CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+X shortkey now bring all windows in front, not only window 1. Done
- CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+X keep focus on your front application. Done
- Double-click on DiskSpace fields in horizontal window to explore the disk. Done
- PrintScreen-to-File "Destination folder" button in general settings. Done
- Font change only affect Window 1, you had to restart TRM to see changes on other windows. Done
- "Click through" to work with all windows. Done
- Avoid "Could not open TinyResMeter AutoRun Registry Key !" startup error on fresh Win9x installation that may have no existing autorun "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" registry key. Done
- RAM field now display correct value if you have >2GB memory. Done


- Fix a bug with CPU usage that seems to not work on latest Windows XP SP2 updates
- Each field can also be hidden directly from its context menu.
- Each context menu can now copy displayed informations to clipboard.
- OS Version field now also show minor and build bersion numbers, and context menu shows service pack.
- Improved a bit the context menu display style.
- Fixed Transparency setup that did not reflect value change until you set tranparency off/on or restart TinyResMeter.
- Fixed bug in Process and Threads counter under 2K/XP that may show bigger number than real.
- Fixed crash when ScreenShot is active and ALT+PrintScreen used on TinyResMeter window itself.
- Improved context menu for Disk Usage fields : now show Serial Number, Volume and File System Name.
- Fixed too sensible autoresize board that make board width change ofently.
- Fixed Refresh board display that may sometimes no redraw completly.
- Improved auto-hide management so hidding and showing are a bit more reactive.
- Processes and Threads fields are now available under Win9x.
- You can now exclude some drive's letters from showed list.
- Added "Windows" counter field.
- Added "Semaphores" field.
- Added "Sections" field.
- Added "Events" field.
- Added "Mutex" field.
- Added context menu to "Threads" fiels : show thread count owned by each process (not for Win9x).
- Added context menu to "Windows" field : list all windows with pos/size, visibility status and modification, sorted by processes.
- Added context menu to "Processes" field : list all processes and you can kill any if needed.
- Added context menu to "UpTime" field : show execution time duration and CPU time used for each process.
- Added context menu to "IP" field : list all machine's Network interfaces with MAC, IP, Gateway adresses with optional copy to clipboard.
- Added context menu to "CPU Usage" field : display each process % CPU usage.
- Added context menu for "RAM" field : show RAM usage for each process.
- Added "Net" speed field to show transfert in/out speed for each network interface with a context menu giving some more infos.
- Added "TCP" and "UDP" fileds that show opened network connections.
- Added "GDI+USER" usage fields for Win2K/XP with context menu giving per process usage informations.
- Added "Disk" speed field to show realtime transfert speed for each physical drive.
- Added "Services" to show actual started/stopped services and being able to start/stop any of them.
- Added "HostName" field with context menu that list all IP adresses of the machine.
- Added "Handles" field with context menu that shows per-process handles count (not for Win9x).
- Added "Date" field.
- Added "IP Address" field.
- Added "Removable Drives" field.
- Added Select All and Unselect All options in Fields menu.
- Fixed SwapFile fields under NT/2K/XP.
- Better manage emty board when no display fields are selected.
- No more crash when user double click on empty board that has no displayed field.
- Some code optimization ... EXE size goes down from 122K to 92K :-)
- Moved "Fields" menu option from TrayBar Icon into main Board context menu where it's more usefull.
- Added TrayBar Icon.
- Moved old Context menu to Tray Bar Icon.
- Context Menu of TinyResMeter window will now give more info about the field your are on.
- Fixed font name and size not saved Fixed Window colors not saved.
- Added Auto-Hide option to make TinyResMeter hide when mouse come over and reappear when mouse leave the hiden window zone.
- Added OS Version info.
- Added running Processes number infos (NT/2K/XP only).
- Added running Threads number info (NT/2K/XP only).
- Added User logon name info.
- Added Time info Added TinyResMeter own resource usage infos Added Fields sub-menu to show/hide any info you want.
- Changed thousand number separator to simple space to avoid country specific separator management.
- Changed % and Mhz CPU info that are now display in two separate lines.
- Window auto-size to largest displayed text.
- Label is now displyed left justified where Value is right justified for better lisibility.
- Fixed bug in transparency.
- Fixed bug with No Move and Deactivate menu options checking.
- Improved Label of each displayed resource.
- Better setup management (still need some improvements).
- Added Font Name and Size.
- Windows size auto-adapt according to selected font size.
- You can now edit setup file (no GUI yet).
- Fixed Show Net Drives.
- Improved a bit Hint content.
- Colors customization.
- Transparency value.
- Removed URL capture that will be part of an other Tiny tool.
- Bug fix with NT.
- Initial release.